Senin, April 12, 2010

conditional ( ENTER )


Pola conditional merupakan bentuk kalimat pengandaian dengan ciri hadirnya kata jika/apabila, yang umumnya dinyatakan dengan kata if. Terdapat dua kategori besar pola pengandaian yakni; the real (factual dan habitual) dan unreal (contrary to the fact).

1. Future conditional (conditional type 1)
Menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi pada waktu mendatang ataupun sekarang jika syarat/kondisi tertentu terpenuhi.
If + Subject1 + present simple, Subject2 + (will/can/may/must) + verb1
If you marry me, you will have a great fun.
If you don’t have any money, you may borrow from me.
If you want to enter favorite university, you must study hard.
Should you marry me, you will have a great fun.
Should you don’t have any money, you may borrow from me.
Should you want to enter favorite university, you must study hard.
Menyatakan kebiasaan (habitual);
John usually walks to school if he has enough time
Kalimat perintah (command);
If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me.

2. Present conditional (Conditional type2)
Menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang ada/terjadi sekarang/belakangan ini.
If + Subject1 + simple past, Subject2 + (would/could/might/had to) + verb1/be
If you married me, you would have a great fun.
You don’t marry me, you don’t have a great fun.
(you don’t marry me, so you don’t have a great fun)
Roma would tell you about it if he were here.

If I were you, I would kill him.
Pelesapan/Penghilangan conversion.
He would tell you about it if he were here.
Were he here, he would tell you about it.
If I were you, I would kill him.
I am not you. I wont kill him.
Were I you, I would kill him.
If I had time, I would go to the beach
Were I to have time, I would go to the beach.

3. Past conditional (Conditional type 3)
Menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang telah terjadi/sudah berlalu.
If + Subject1 + past perfect, Subject2 + (would/could/might) + have+V3/been

If I had had some water, I could have come to my girl birthday’s party.
I didn’t have any water. I couldn’t come to my girl birthday’s party.

- If you had had some money, you could have bought the car.
(you didn’t have any money, so you couldn’t buy the car yesterday)
- If he had been there, he would have told you about it.
He wasn’t there, so he didn’t tell about it.
- If you have married me, you would have had a great fun.
Had you had married me, you would have had a great fun.

- If you had had some money, you could have bought the car.
Had you had some money, you could have bought the car.
- If he had been there, he would have told you about it.
Had he been there, he would have told you about it.

Put the verb in the brackets into the correct form!
1. If I Had realized that Tim was bad driver, I wouldn’t have lent (not/lend) him my car.
2. If he had been (be) more confident during the interview, he might have got the job he wanted.
3. If you go (go), I shall be very happy.
4. If the company ________________(appreciated) Tony’s success in increasing its market, he wouldn’t think of leaving the company.
5. If I _had known_¬¬¬____________ (know) you need a camera, I could have lent you mine.
6. Had I known you were expecting a call, I wouldn’t have used (not use) the phone so long.
7. I’m sure Alan will lend you some money. I would be surprised if he refused (refuse).
8. They are expecting us. They will be disappointed if we don’t come (not come).
9. If I were offered the job, I would take) it.
10. If I sell the car, she will not get much money from it.

Change the following conditional sentences into their inversion forms.
1. If my father asks you about the scratch on his new car, I will simply tell him that it’s my fault.
2. If the company had been fair in giving bonuses, the employees wouldn’t have gone on strike.
3. If you want to go, you will have to buy your own ticket.
4. The man hit by car yesterday would have died if the doctors hadn’t immediately operated on him.
5. If I had known that you were in Bandung, I would have shown you some interesting places.
6. If I were her, I wouldn’t lend you the money.
7. You wouldn’t be punished if you were honest.
8. If you stopped smoking, you would feel healthier.
9. They might be angry if I didn’t visit her.
10. If the plane had taken off on time, we wouldn’t have been late for the opening of the seminar.

Make your own conditionals in response to the questions as shown by the example.
Example: are you going to bed now? (I/not/sleep).
No, if I went to bed now, I will not sleep.
1. Are you going to catch the 9.45 plane? (we/arrive too early)
No, if __________________________________________________
2. Is she going to apply for the job? (she/not/get it).
No, if __________________________________________________
3. People do not understand him because he doesn’t speak well.
But if _______________________people______________________
4. I can’t meet you tomorrow evening as I have to work.
But if _______________________, I _________________________
5. I am not going to buy that book because it is too expensive.
But if ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________, I _______________________
6. She didn’t buy the car because she didn’t have enough money on her.
If she ______________________, she ________________________
7. She didn’t eat anything because she wasn’t hungry.
If she ______________________, she ________________________
8. She wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat-belt.
If _________________________, ____________________________
9. I was able to buy a car because I saved my idle money.
If ______________________________________________________
10. We can’t eat lunch in the garden because it is raining.
If ______________________________________________________

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